Micro Ear Suctions

Micro Ear Suction Geelong

Earwax Removal Clinic - NEWTOWN Microsuction Clinic

Wax in your ears? Difficulty hearing? Feeling blocked?

We now offer micro ear suctions at Geelong West Medical Centre! This procedure is used to clear ear wax in a gentle yet thorough manner. We can also remove foreign bodies (broken hearing aids, bugs etc) and infective debris from your ears using our micro suction tools.

Micro suction is the ear cleaning method preferred by Audiologists, GPs and ENT specialist doctors, as it is much safer and gentler then traditional ear syringing methods. Our nurses have undergone extensive training and have years of experience cleaning blocked ears.

If your ears are blocked by wax, foreign matter or have infected debris that requires removal contact Geelong West Medical Clinic  and book your appointment with one of the experienced nurses to have it removed!

We require the use of wax softening drops (such as Ear Clear-available at the chemist) to be used for 3 days prior to the appointment to help assist with easy removal of the wax.

The team use a headset designed specifically for ear, nose & throat procedures, to assess your ear canals and remove wax or other foreign bodies safely.

No referral is required & we welcome new patients.

The out of pocket cost for Micro Ear Suctions is: $50